Typographic Conventions

Some conventions are used to make it easier to know what you're looking at when you read these docs. Each convention is explained below:

  • ALLCAPS REVERSE COLORS: physical keys and full keystrokes on the Plover keyboard.
  • FORWARD/SLASH/BETWEEN/STROKES: a series of strokes to type, one after the other, on the Plover keyboard.
  • HYPHEN-ATION: in ambiguous cases, a hyphen indicates that a physical key is located on the left or the right side of the keyboard. For example, the word 'edited' is stroked ED/EUT/-D. Like the forward slash, the hyphen is just an aid to reading, and isn't typed when using Plover. It is, however, included in entries in the dictionary file. When defining dictionary definitions by hand, you should be sure to include the hyphen when appropriate. If you only use Plover's native dictionary editor to make definitions, the hyphens will be added automatically.
  • 'single quote boldface': English letters, words, and sentences to be output by Plover or typed in QWERTY. For example, 'cat' is typed KAT in Plover. The hard 'c' is represented by a K on the keyboard.
  • "double quotes": English text that's intended to convey spelling in particular, or that is not intended to be typed. For example, the 'a' sound in 'bait' uses the "ai" vowel cluster.
  • Green monospace: a command given at the command-line, or its output, or the contents of the dictionary file. For example, grep.