
This dictionary allows you to edit text on a Mac at a much greater capacity. You can move the cursor by letter, word, or line, select while doing so, and also backspace or forward delete by character, word, or line.


As per Plover’s default, you use -R, -P, -B, and -G for left, up, down, and right.

Use STPH- for moving by character, STPH-RB to jump a word left, and STPH-BG to jump a word right.

Use KPH- to use Command ⌘, jumping to line beginning and ending, file top and bottom.

Use STP- (shift) to select characters with movement keys. Again, -RB and -BG work by word.

Use SHR- (select) to select words with the movement keys. (This and the strokes described above actually add redundant strokes for selecting whole words to the left and right.)

Use PW* and -F, -FP, or -FPL for backspacing a character, a word, or a line.

Use PW* and -R, -RB, or -RBG for forward deleting a character, a word, or a line.

Use KPHR- for Command + Option (⌘⌥) movements (usually for navigating tabs and file trees).

Use SP-B to space up/forward and SP-P to space down/backward. That is, in the browser use the former stroke to page up and the latter to page down (this is using ⇧Space).

Use THRAB for ⌥ ⇓ and THRAP for ⌥ ⇑.

Use TW- and a direction for tabbing. Adding -F/-L gives you ⌘⇧[/⌘⇧] to switch tabs forward and backward. Adding -B/-G gives you ⌘`/⌘⇧` to switch windows forward and backward. Adding -G/-R gives you ⌘Tab/⌘⇧Tab to switch applications forward and backward. Adding a star to TW*G gives you ⌘Tab Tab to switch 2 applications.